Типология: Офис сграда
Местоположение: гр. Бургас
Година: 2022
Снимки: ©Think Forward
Petroleum е проект за реконструкция и модернизация на офис сграда на Ins Petrol в Бургас. Концепцията на проекта е вдъхновена от петрола, неговите естетически качества и широко приложение като производствена суровина. PETROLEUM е архитектурен разказ за нефта и неговата флуидна, динамична, жива естетика, претворена метафорично в ръчно изработените мебели, пропита буквално в структурата на избраните материали, оставила течния си отпечатък във формоизграждането на проекта.
Type: Office building
Location: Burgas
Year: 2022
Photos: ©Think Forward
Petroleum is a project for the reconstruction and modernization of Ins Petrol office building. The concept of the project is inspired by petroleum, its aesthetic qualities and wide use as a production raw material. Petroleum is an architectural story about oil and its fluid, dynamic, living aesthetics, metaphorically transformed into bespoke furniture, literally used in the structure of the selected materials.
Its liquid imprint can be found in the plan of the project. Around the fluid centre of the building a foyer, a manager office, employees offices, a kitchen office and an archive are situated. The monochrome architecture of the building serves as a calm background for the petroleum shades, captivated by the iridescent accents of the interior, the handmade furniture, and the artistic Kourasanit stucco. One of the greatest achievements of the project is the design of the metal shelves and their unique oxidation, recreating the rainbow lustrous iridescence from petroleum spill.